January 20, 2011

2011's 1st Screening

I haven't had a screening interview for a long long time... Probably a month long.
Today, I had my 1st screening interview of the year.
Despite my crazy cough and practically a whole day outta office after that, running ard for meetings, meeting these new ppl and talking to them reminded me that I love my job :))
The ppl I get to meet, the things I get to learn, the exposure I manage to get, I'm really thankful for all of them :)

Next week is madness. I'll be setting my Out of Office the whole week.
- RP career fair
- Orientation Program
- NUS Career Fair (2 days!)

And all these before D&D on sat!
I pray for strength, motivation, enthusiasm and for my thankful heart to constantly remind me how fortunate I am :)))

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

January 14, 2011

Idealistic Thinking

I realize that sometimes I like to play out a particular scene in my head and envision what it will be like when I make plans.

And when things happen in variance to what I've envisioned, I get seriously disappointed.

A perfect day out will never be a perfect day out because it never happen the way I thought it would. I might wk up late, there might be a jam, the weather might turn lousy.

A perfect day at home will never be either because things crops up. Like some relative may pop over or some random neighbors may be having their KTV session.

Most of the time, it is little moments of surprises and unplanned treats that make the experience so memorable.

Like that rainy day in London when the sudden downpour forced us to take a break from sight seeing and just sit in the cafe with warm coffee in hands and ppl-watch out the window. An experience so simple but so unforgettable.

I guess I should start to embrace uncertainties and start enjoying the little surprises that life has in stall for me. And make the best of everything and every moment.

For who can plan better than the One who has the entire plan of my life in His hands :) I really need to have more faith.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

January 1, 2011

Bring On 2011!

Some weeks ago, we were having cell group meeting and we had to think of a word to describe our 2010.
The word that I have chosen was "New".

2010 was "new" because it was full of new experiences, new stages of my life, new friends, new responsibilities.

Jan 2010

I got my licence (just before pop's bday)!!!

Feb 2010

"Married off" our first Chaos girl :)

May - June 2010

Had the best travel experience ever for my Grad trip :)
The month-long Spirit of Europe trip saw
- new friends (more than 30 of them)
- new experiences of "backpacking", doing midnight laundry in the middle of the trips, staying at hostels, planning our own itinerary, and tons more exciting new things
- exploring new places that swept me off my feet and keeps me wanting to return
- new loooots! :X

June 2010

Embarked on the next stage of my life with my 1st perm job :)
Feels really blessed that the workplace is really near to home, I'm doing sth that I'm interested in and I've met lovely people :) To top it off, poppy's just 2 levels down and XM's working opposite!

July 2010

Officially GRADUATED!

Aug to Dec 2010

It's crazy how the few months zoomed past, I must have been kept sufficiently occupied :) Numerous new experiences along to way:
- Took interviews in the very room I had mine just some months ago
- Brought in new staff
- Went for career talks and fairs
- Designed job adverts
- Participated in my 1st "Amazing Race" and won 2nd!
- Ran a 10K marathon
- Went through ISO audit (:X)
- Got my own namecards :)
- Experienced the exhilaration of seeing the figures in my bank account grow (slowly)
- Got my 1st BONUS :D

And also held new responsibilities:
- Started giving allowances to my family
- Bought and started paying for my own insurance
- Able to treat my family to nice food and little gifts occasionally
- Bought Christmas presents for all my loved ones with my OWN money for the first time

2010 had been a yr of transitions and changes, as 2011 rolls in with new challenges and new opportunities, I remain thankful for what 2010 had taught me and pray for renewed strength and motivation to take on 2011 with great faith and enthusiasm!