January 14, 2011

Idealistic Thinking

I realize that sometimes I like to play out a particular scene in my head and envision what it will be like when I make plans.

And when things happen in variance to what I've envisioned, I get seriously disappointed.

A perfect day out will never be a perfect day out because it never happen the way I thought it would. I might wk up late, there might be a jam, the weather might turn lousy.

A perfect day at home will never be either because things crops up. Like some relative may pop over or some random neighbors may be having their KTV session.

Most of the time, it is little moments of surprises and unplanned treats that make the experience so memorable.

Like that rainy day in London when the sudden downpour forced us to take a break from sight seeing and just sit in the cafe with warm coffee in hands and ppl-watch out the window. An experience so simple but so unforgettable.

I guess I should start to embrace uncertainties and start enjoying the little surprises that life has in stall for me. And make the best of everything and every moment.

For who can plan better than the One who has the entire plan of my life in His hands :) I really need to have more faith.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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