September 13, 2012

[VDL - Part 11] Marriage Prep Course

Pops has been reminding me to check out marriage prep courses for the longest time.

I’ve looked around a bit but a lot of them are rather secular in nature, so I felt some resistance to sign up for them.

One random evening, I was at the drop-off point waiting for pops to meet me aft booking out from reservist and happened to meet one of the directors who was part of the fellowship group in office. 

She waved a bunch of flowers excitedly at me and told me that she’s going for the Alpha Marriage Course.

I heard of that course before during FG. But before she had the chance to elaborate further, her hubs arrived and she had to leave.

I went back to google Alpha Course that night and realized that they have Pre-marriage Preparation Course as well! And the description got me pretty excited:

"A five session course set in a fantastic atmosphere. You will be served with a candlelit meal and/or coffee, tea and dessert in a romantic setting while listening to practical talks that are informative and fun, either given live or played on DVD."

And the venue is at Dempsey!!

When I first checked, I realized we missed the registration date and more than half the lessons were during Pops’ reservist period so I was pretty disappointed.

But subsequently, I found out that they have a new round in Oct/ Nov which is just perfect!!

We registered today and Chee Min, the facilitator, was extremely prompt in following up :) We were already given homework to complete before our first session - to complete the MBTI profiling questionnaire!

I’ll try to update more on the course after going to the sessions.

But for now, I just wanna thank God for helping us check one more item off our Wedding Checklist~!!

If anyone of you are keen to find out more about the course, you can visit the website below:

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